As part of our ongoing work, the York Pioneer and Historical Society produces a series of publications for both the membership and the community at large to help preserve our history and to keep our members informed about our work and events. The gallery below summarizes the remaining hard-copy books and journals available for purchase to add to your collection.
All orders are presumed to be from within Canada where $5.00 shipping and handling charge will be applied. For orders from outside Canada, please contact the YPHS for shipping and handling costs at yorkpioneers@gmail.com.
If you would like to purchase a book or a journal, there are three ways to do so:
How to Purchase via e-Transfer
Start on your banking institution's e-Transfer page or app.
Use yorkpioneers2@gmail.com as the recipient.
In the message box, indicate your
Full name
Mailing address
Email address
Indicate the quantity and title for each book.
Indicate the quantity, the issue number, and the year for each journal
Send per your institution's instructions.
How to Purchase by Cheque
Send a cheque with your
Full name
Mailing address
Indicate the quantity and title for each book.
Indicate the quantity, the issue number, and the year for each journal
York Pioneer and Historical Society
P.O. Box 186
260 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 1N1
How to Purchase by PayPal
Click on any book or journal icon below to add the item to your shopping cart. When you are finished adding to your cart, proceed to the checkout to complete the purchase.