Thank you for your support!
Scadding Cabin's rotten log has successfully been replaced as seen in the photo at left.
Thank you to one and all for your donations. You made it happen.
Your tax-receipted charitable donation will be delivered soon.
Our need continues to maintain the cabin's integrity and security for generations to come. Please donate today.
Donate to York Pioneers today!
The YPHS is a registered charity. We accept donations to help us with our work to preserve our city’s heritage and make it available for everyone to enjoy. All donations over $10 are acknowledged in our annual journal, The York Pioneer. Tax receipts are issued for dues and donations over $10.
Donor: $10 to 74
Friend: $75 to 149
Benefactor: $150 to 299
Patron: $300 to $499
Sustaining Patron: $500 to $999
President’s Circle: $1000+
If you would like to donate, there are three ways to do so:
How to Donate via e-Transfer
Start on your banking institution's e-Transfer page or app.
Use yorkpioneers2@gmail.com as the recipient.
In the message box, indicate your
Full name
Mailing address
Email address
Indicate if this is a General Donation or for the Scadding Cabin Appeal
Send per your institution's instructions.
How to Donate by Cheque
Send a cheque with your
Full name
Mailing address
York Pioneer and Historical Society
P.O. Box 186
260 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 1N1
How to Donate via PayPal
Click the Donate button below to pay by PayPal.
Enter your donation amount and indicate "Scadding Cabin Restoration" or "General Support" in the message box.
Thank you. It is with the help of donors like you that we can continue to preserve Toronto’s past for the future.
​If you wish your donation to remain anonymous, please e-mail us with an update.