The Canadian National Exhibition opens for its 2024 season on August 16, 2024! Once again, Toronto's oldest house, Scadding Cabin, will be open for guests until September 2nd!
See the CNE Scadding Cabin events schedule for more details!
Also of note:
York Pioneers Night at the Toronto Argonauts is August 22 (the Pioneers moved Scadding Cabin to the Exhibition Grounds on Aug 22, 1879!). How cool is that?
Volunteers needed to help with Scadding Cabin during the CNE
Volunteer assistant editors needed to help out with the York Pioneer journal
Details can be found in the August issue of The Update newsletter.
The 2023 issue of the York Pioneer is now available! Copies have been mailed out to members.
More copies are available for purchase in our online store.
Also available are the latest issues of The Update newsletter (January, February, April, and August).
In October 2023, Scadding Cabin's repairs and restorations were performed (see more photos). Rot had re-appeared on a foundation log and significant work was urgently undertaken to prevent long-term damage. Short videos of the restoration work can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
We still need your help. Please donate today.